Please place your orders via Shopping Cart, telephone, by e-mail or fax at any time.
We will be happy to assist you with price quotes, product inquiries or any other questions you may have
Please use our helpful online order form to request a quote or submit an order.
You may fill it out and email it as an attachment to info@JHLindustries.com or you may print it out and fax it to us at (818) 882-4350.
If you don’t see it, just ask for it! If you can’t find what you are looking for, please contact us. We can and will find it for you.
All phone, Fax, Mail orders, Email, PO’S Accepted To Order Call Toll Free: 1-800-255-6636 ext.101 Your Brokers for Pressure Sensitive Tapes, Electrical / Wire & Cable

All major credit cards accepted OPEN 30 DAY TERMS O.A.C. All Purchase Orders accepted No C.O.D.’s
*Allow 5 to 10 working days for all deliveries. Open 30 day terms O.A.C.
Just HI-Line Industries
10012 Nevada Avenue
Chatsworth, CA 91311-3616
e-mail: info@JHLindustries.com
PHONE (800) 255-6636 ex 101
PHONE (818) 882-2233 ex 101
FAX: 818-882-4350